You can’t deny the amazing picture quality that an iPhone can bring. This is why a lot of people often prefer using an iPhone when it comes to taking pictures. Now, when it comes to photographs, square photos have become the trend.
Here are a few tips to shoot square using your iPhone and come out with incredible results:
Make use of the grid feature
This feature can be enabled by going to Settings > Photos & Camera > Grid and works in both Photo and Square mode. The rule of thirds allows you to properly line up your subject matter and come up with creative ways of framing your subject.
Smaller subjects can be framed in the bottom or top thirds of the image and create a stronger composition. On the other hand, larger subjects might be a bit difficult to frame using the rule of thirds. This is where you can let your creativity shine.
Usually, larger subjects can be best framed in a square crop when they cover at least three squares of the grid. This lets the image become less confusing or abstract.
Experiment with the negative space
Negative space doesn’t always translate to something bad. Sometimes, the most powerful images are a result of experimenting and combining negative space with the rule of thirds. You can have your picture focus on a subtle detail of the environment that’s often overlooked and still have it come out beautifully.
Center the subject of your photo
Some people might see square mode as a disadvantage considering it removes most of the extra composition space of your image, forcing you to cram your subject in the frame.
But on the other hand, the square crop effectively highlights the subject of your image. By placing it in the center of your frame, with the negative space equidistant on all sides, results in a strong image focus.
Take advantage of the lines
Every photograph has lines in it, whether man-made or natural. Lines that highlight the rule of thirds, lines that are present in negative spaces and lines that can lead you through an image. Taking advantage of these lines and utilizing the shapes can create compelling crops that guide your viewer’s eyes on a specific path through the photo.
Final Thoughts
If you want your square photos to come out amazing and Instagram-worthy, then don’t be afraid to try these tips out. It might take some practice to really get them right and produce the results that you want but they’re still worth incorporating into your picture-taking habits.
You can even use filters or third-party editing apps to really enhance your photos. Your phone’s HDR feature, for example, can greatly boost the colors of your image and emphasize the beauty of the natural colors of the world in your photographs.
These are just a few tips that square photographers can take to make their pictures pop off on any digital platform they intend to use. You don’t have to stick to one method. Combine them as you please and enjoy the gorgeous result you’re bound to get.